Thursday, May 2, 2013

Final thoughts

Well this is it - my last entry! I'm safely back on American soil in Hawaii.  I'm feeling really excited to be here despite the fact the first song I heard on the radio was TSwift.  After a whole year away, I really thought she might decide to take a little break.  Let us miss you Taylor.  
My green dolla dolla bills are in hand and I even got a rude comment from my taxi driver when I told him I was using a Visa card instead of cash.  Oh, it's good to be back:)  

Pam and I wanted to do something significant for our 30th year and that goal was achieved.  This Aussie experience wouldn't have been the same without her or the others that I've met along the way. 

I feel lucky to have met so many intelligent, worldly, like-minded individuals whom I can now call friends. I can’t wait to see how their lives unfold and where we will end up in the world.

Gosh, the world may seem enormous, but it is smaller than you think.  I realized this when I met an Australian with family in Pittsburgh who own a pizza shop.  Or the Mom I worked with who went to study abroad at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.  We are all connected.

A HUGE thank you for following the blog and for the positive feedback I’ve received over the year.  I really started this blog as a way for my family to stay connected and current on what I’ve been up to around the world.  And now it has had over 14,000 hits!  I’ve been surprised at the overall interest and grateful for all your compliments.  I've felt insecure and strange at times putting my life out on the Internet, but it's turned out to be a fun and creative outlet for me.

My hope this year is that I’ve inspired one person along the way to follow their heart, to follow their own path, or to shake things up a bit.  Maybe to try a new recipe, to explore a novel part of their city, to take that trip, or to open up their heart.  You’re never too old, too set in your ways, or too broke to try something new.  Be brave and have faith.

What is it time for now? Pots of coffee, TJ Maxx, shopping at 9 PM at Target for normal priced cosmetics and tennis shoes, birds that don't sound like dinosaurs, American TV and commercials, sports, Chipotle, hummus and pretzel chips, and to see all my AMAZING family and friends in America who are so supportive.   You rock and I can't wait to hug you in person.

I am now going to listen to my own advice I've given TSwift and call it quits.  I've been in your face about my adventures for over a year, so it is now officially time to take a break.    


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

#1 - Top 10 reasons why I love Australia

Close your eyes and picture this.  Pam and I.  Two single ladies out on the town.  It's hot.  It's an outdoor bar.  It's Miami.

October 2011.  We're still on cloud 9 from an Enrique Iglesias/Pitbull concert the night before, but that's a story for another time. 
Two Aussies appear.  Hot Aussie NRL players.  There's flirting.  And drinks.  One too many of those blue drinks from the Clevelander.  There's plenty of discussion about the Land Down Under.   Lots of communication difficulties.  Lots of laughs.

What finally made me decide to live in Australia? You could speculate the rock hard abdominal muscles of those boys influenced my choice.  You could guess their pride and boasting of the natural beauty of the country caught my attention.  Those are both possible reasons why I fell in love with Australia before even stepping foot on its soil.  I can 100% guarantee you it had nothing to do with the dancing skills of these blokes, and it had everything to do with the number #1 reason why I love this country.


#1.  THE ACCENT.  Everything sounds better to me with an Aussie accent.  It made me giggle in Miami.  It still makes me giggle over one year later.  Thank you God for creating Australia and the men and women who speak proudly from it.

To all Australians, you possess something I can never have.  Embrace it and use it to your advantage.  It's one of a kind.