Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I like to eat

These are a few of my favorite things!
The best thing I ever ate... DC's top 10 according to Mel
  • Nutella scones at Pound 
  • Pepperoni slice at We the Pizza
  • Cookies ‘n cream milkshake at Good Stuff
  • Granville Moors – mussels and frites!
  • Ted’s Bulletin – grilled cheese and tomato soup
  • Pepperoni sauce - Graffiato
  • Eastern Market – kettle corn
  • Sweet Green – Guacamole greens salad and sweet flow
  • Cayenne pepper cinnamon latte at Bayou Bakery
  • Brunch at Belga 

Friday, February 24, 2012


Aghhhh! I am BUSHED (Aussie for worn out/exhausted).... the little details of planning are getting to be a bit overwhelming!  Plus, I've started to go through all my belongings in an attempt to downsize.  Now, I am NOT a hoarder by any means and still don't know how I've managed to accumulate so much stuff.  
Positive steps: I successfully let go of my college textbooks thanks to's text book trade in - shout out to the work crew for that advice.  I got myself a nice online credit for 10 year old speech therapy books and a few classic DVD's (I just might be able to live without The Gladiator!)  I don't know why it was so hard to throw away a binder from Communication Disorders 101, but I had some major anxiety tossing that fossil into the recycling bin...
But, I absolutely draw the line at my 100 count CD binder, that copy of Will Smith's Big Willie Style could be a collector's item someday:)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Book that made this all possible

Pam - O's book that makes me calm down when I freak out that I'm moving completely around the world... it's a must read for anyone who wants to know how to work less and travel more... or needs a little push to make a big trip happen!

I'm moving to Australia!!!!

IT’S HAPPENING! Finally, the word is out - I’m moving to Australia for the year.  Telling everyone has made me realize that people are seriously amazing.  Everyone is so excited and has been so supportive.  I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life to live abroad and can’t wait to see what adventures come our way… because, did I forget to mention, I’m also moving with one of my best friends, Pam - O! I’m one lucky chick.  So, I’ll be blogging our adventures for the next year and spreading Aussie love and lingo back to the States…. Today’s word of the day is “coldie.” And I’m off to have one of those right now…