Friday, February 24, 2012


Aghhhh! I am BUSHED (Aussie for worn out/exhausted).... the little details of planning are getting to be a bit overwhelming!  Plus, I've started to go through all my belongings in an attempt to downsize.  Now, I am NOT a hoarder by any means and still don't know how I've managed to accumulate so much stuff.  
Positive steps: I successfully let go of my college textbooks thanks to's text book trade in - shout out to the work crew for that advice.  I got myself a nice online credit for 10 year old speech therapy books and a few classic DVD's (I just might be able to live without The Gladiator!)  I don't know why it was so hard to throw away a binder from Communication Disorders 101, but I had some major anxiety tossing that fossil into the recycling bin...
But, I absolutely draw the line at my 100 count CD binder, that copy of Will Smith's Big Willie Style could be a collector's item someday:)

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