Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Aussie lingo - Round #3

As I promised, here are a few more Aussie words to share with the world. 

Down under it is officially autumn - there's no calling this season "fall."  You'll be in need of a jumper for sure in Melbourne.

Some may say this sweater is ugly, but I say it is amazing.
Turtle power.

Quit your whinging. Yes it was me that ate all the nutella...

If you stop crying and complaining, I'll buy some more :)

Drop your dacks mate....

Ditch your underbritches boy.

Vodaphone makes me cross....

This cell phone company makes me want to throw my mobile under a tram.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jan Juc, Torquay

A wise man once said...

It doesn't matter where you go in life, as long as you go to the beach.  I bet he was an Aussie - smart bloke!

Good morning Jan Juc...

Surfing - Round 2= more time up on that board!  I still came home with bruises and cuts, but it was worth every ride and tumble.

I had a blast this weekend and learned a little more about Aussie music & lingo. Coming soon - new vocab on the blog  in the next round of my favorite Aussie words.  Stay tuned.

  Thanks for a funtastic time all, you are sweet as... (that's what they say folks instead of sweet as pie... no pie needed).
 Just chillaxin'

       Enjoyin' bevs, playin' games, and singin' off key.  Be glad there are no videos posted of my performance & my sincere apologies for all those who suffered through my rendition of Boys II Men - The End of the Road and En Vogue! Please remind me to never audition for the Voice :) I think I'll stick to bloggin'.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Adios to my amigas

I can't believe it, but my 2 American amigas are off to Fiji and beyond... safe travels and enjoy the adventures to come!

Pamelama was feeling extra American on her last night in Melbourne...  here she is proudly sporting her red, white, and blue.

Andree and her cherry ripe treats

Lovely ladies at Naked for Satan
