Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Details, details, details....

Well, this whole Australian adventure is becoming very real.  I took my car back to Pittsburgh this weekend to put it up for sale.  I am so thankful our family friend is taking care of all the details and really hope it sells soon! There is a beautiful 2006 Toyota Corolla in PA if you know anyone who is looking.  
I've been without a car now for a few days and am using my legs and public transportation to get me from A to B.  Call me crazy, but I'm actually looking forward to getting a walk in a few times a day since I also cancelled my gym membership.  I now have some time in the morning to drink my coffee in peace instead of dodging angry commuters on I-395.  And people don't give you the finger as much when you're riding on the train!  
My belongings have started to sell on Craigslist.  Last night someone bought the grill I put together ALL by myself 2 years ago and picked up some bedroom furniture.  The apartment looks so bare with the pictures off the wall and boxes everywhere! 
Yesterday, I had a travel physical for my vaccinations and my doctor actually gave me a hug  because she was so excited for me.  She's the best.  It reminded me all the little headaches and hiccups along the way will be well worth it when I get down under May 1st!

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