Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patty's Day in O'hio

What a perfect weekend! I was so excited to get on a plane and to not worry about Australia for a few days.  My car hasn't sold yet (stressor #1), and I am still looking for a temporary home for my favorite feline (stressor #2).  Being with my dear friend Ashley and her family was just what I needed! She is an amazing friend and such a great Mommy.  We fit in lots of girl time, zoo time, a sushi date, a concert at Hal and Al's, and a trip to my favorite ice cream store all in 48 hours.  Recognize these 2 ladies?  We are the next face of Hal and Al's - thanks Jay - We love your bar!

Anyone who knows me, knows about my love for ice cream... okay, it's more of an obsession! Here is a link to my favorite spot. You can have it delivered to you and it is well worth it! Don't you worry, I had the biggest cone I could get.

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