Monday, November 5, 2012

Auckland, NZ - Part 1

Auckland, New Zealand.  It was my first time out of Australia since arriving in May, and I was very excited to see a new country - or at least a small part of it.  Auckland was lively and charming.  Maybe I could call it the Seattle of New Zealand?  Complete with a Skytower, heaps of seafood, and a misty rain.

View from Bobo's apartment
Chatting it up with the local Kiwi's
Piha Beach outside of Auckland
Black Sand Beach - Piha

Bobo, Stace, Pam
Bobo exploring
Gorgeous KiteKite Falls

Then it was off to see Mumford and Sons.  Wow - that was such a spectacular show.  I  wasn't sure how I was feeling about Babel, but seeing Mumford live completely changed my opinion on the album. Their energy was so contagious and we were happily foot stomping all night.   If you have the chance to see them, it is well worth the money!  A little part of the show for you to check out...

Auckland also has a great wharf area and fish market.  There's a cozy outdoor space where the hold their own Sunday Funday complete with BBQ's and live music.  Check out the size of those mussels!

Coming soon: Stay tuned for some pics from our winery tour day on Waiheke Island... 

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