Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Settling into the city

Have no fear, I'm still here.  Life in Melbourne is busy and I've been readjusting to the working world.  Our friend Ryan came, conquered Melbourne in 7 days, and left.  I started working at the new speech clinic and am enjoying the clients and coworkers immensely.  We've been settling into city life and enjoying the company of some really great people.   

It is hard to believe we've been here for 9 whole weeks!  But as they say, the one constant in life is change.  And in 3 weeks, Pam is heading back to America.  Our third amiga, Andre, is about to embark on an exciting 3 months of travel.  Australia won't be the same without these two ladies, but I am excited to see what the future holds for them.  I'm confident fantastic things will come their way.  They are amazing.  And I'm curious to see what is in store for me in my last 11 weeks riding solo.

Most popular question? Naturally everyone wants to know what's next?  And I am not sure to be honest.  I want to be present each day here in Australia, appreciate this opportunity, and not worry too much about where life will lead after this adventure.  I have faith the next path will present itself in time.  Life can change quickly and I intend to fully enjoy these good times.

And speaking of good times, here are a few pics from the last 2 weeks in the city....

Kim's Birthday at Corner Hotel, Richmond.  Love their  outdoor beer garden.

BBQ'in and enjoying the Australian Summer

St. Kilda Festival

What am I reading these days? Just finished 29 Gifts: How a Month of Giving Can Change your Life.  It was an inspirational story and gave some practical ideas on how to give simply to others and be mindful of what you have each day.  Check out the website http://www.29gifts.org/  for more details on the movement.

Lastly, a few random comments:

 1.  I have not watched the Grammy's in their entirety yet, but I fully support Justin Timberlake's new hair.  How in the world did he tame those curls? Do you think he had a Brazilian blowout?

2.  Ellen is coming to Melbourne in March!  Gotta try to see her live.  http://www.onlymelbourne.com.au/melbourne_details.php?id=53635

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