Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It is one of those random nights where I just can’t sleep….agh… Insomnia has kicked in big time.  My mind is racing and I need to write to get it all out.  I can’t believe it has been 4 months abroad!  It feels like time is flying by and the 4 month marker has made me reflect a bit.  And I don’t want to forget why I came here.  When I was in the States, I was working, working, working and made my career my identity.  I realized last year that my job wasn’t the only part of me, and I needed to put some more focus on my interests and relationships.  Besides all the amazing new experiences, coming around the world to Australia has helped me to get some space and think.

One cool thing I’ve realized here is how much I do enjoy my job and why.  I love working with kids and families because it takes the focus off of me.   We all probably think about ourselves more than we’d like to admit (what about me? how does this benefit me?) and at work, it is so rewarding to help others and make the kids and parents feel good.  At the end of the day, my efforts will help make someone feel better.  That’s awesome.  I can be having a totally down day and one kid will laugh or say a word and then it all feels a bit lighter.  A good friend told me once when I was down to volunteer and just help out because it would make me feel better… she’s a smart girl.

Since work of course is a reality of life, how DO you keep some balance? I’ve noticed since working again the time I was devoting to the blog, researching cool places to go and see, finding new music, tinkering on my uke, and trying new recipes has all decreased.   This bums me out. When I wasn’t working, these interests kept coming up over and over.  I was inspired and new ideas came so easily.  For me, I guess I just need to stay connected to my creative side.  Since it is impossible to do ALL of that while working, I’m making a point going forward to do at least one of the following each week to keep the creative juices flowing. 

1.     Try a new food.
2.     Make a new recipe.
3.     Look up a new band and download some new songs.
4.     Go to a cool place new place– could be a coffee shop, beach, hiking spot, music venue…
5.     Make contact with a friend or family in the US  -Skype, text, phone, FB – just make a little time to connect.
6.     Spend more time with people I’ve made connections with in Australia.  The time I’ve spent with locals has been so enjoyable, but it is so easy to fall into the work routine.
7.     Add one new thing to my workout.
8.     Pick up my uke and practice the 3 little chords I learned.
9.     Read before bed instead of browsing FB.
10. More blogging!

Well, it’s all out there for the world to see…you can all make sure I follow through! Would love to know how you keep balance in your life.

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