Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Run Pam Run!

This past weekend, Pam ran her half marathon. As one of my favorite Aussies would say - Impressive! Go Pam!

Alexandra Beach, Sunshine Coast
My quest to see all the beaches of Australia continues, and the race was a perfect excuse to get to the Sunshine Coast and Noosa Heads, 2 great beach spots in Queensland on the Australia bucket list.  My boss actually let me borrow the company car which was such a great treat.  Both spots were very relaxed.  It is safe to say, Queensland beaches are probably the best in the world... or at least the best I've seen!

Mural in Sunshine Coast

Sparkling waters of Noosa

Not much else to report from OZ... work is keeping me pretty busy.  I am honestly having waves of home sickness lately and feeling a little disconnected.  I have no idea what's on American radio, what's in the magazines, and I'm having dreams about hanging out with friends and family!  I'm counting on everyone to keep me in the loop.  Cheers!

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