Monday, August 13, 2012

The big 3-0 in Bris

I made it!  The big 3-0.  It feels pretty good so far.  Turning 29 last year was way harder for me.  I had my little meltdown knowing the inevitable 30 was approaching.  I questioned everything I was doing and just felt a need for something more.  Well it certainly feels good to put some of that self doubt and confusion from the 20's behind me and to enjoy where I am right now.  Not that I have it all figured out, but I am feeling pretty blessed and excited for what a new decade holds.

A friend we stayed with recently turned 60, and she told us how she made a list of her top 60 life moments of her 60 years.  I just love this idea and decided to make my own top 30 of 30.  You should try it.  It is amazing the childhood memories and fun times that pop up from deep down in your brain! Some are pretty personal so I won't share the details, but it just puts a lot into perspective. Making memories with family and friends, sharing laughs, new experiences, and enjoying the simple things in life of course dominates the list.  I wish I could teleport home for a night to celebrate with my family and friends in the US today - missing everyone for sure.  But welcoming the dirty thirty here in Australia is pretty amazing!

It was a big city weekend in Bris and Pam and I got to hang out after 4 weeks apart working in different cities!  I was given lots of libations to help get the party started.  My boss at work donated some bubbly for the cause and Moscow Mules were on the menu.  

On Saturday, it was off to the coffee academy.  You all know about my LOVE for coffee, so this was pretty great.  The pulsing headache left over from Friday night was not so great, but I pushed through.  The large amounts of expresso helped me along!

What happens at the coffee academy?  Lots of milk frothing to start.  You need to get that milk turning and churning at just the right temperature to make the froth for all coffees.  Sometimes you do a low fast pour and sometimes a high slow pour depending on the type of coffee you're making.

Making expresso - the base for every single coffee here.  There are no American coffee pots.  It needs to be made quickly so the grinds don't burn. 
We had to make one of each coffee: caffe latte, flat white, cappuccino, mocha, hot chocolate, chai, macchiato, long black....
Best part of the day- tasting our work!
On my actual birthday, we explored the New Farm neighborhood and ended up at Bitter Suite for birthday beers.  This is a great food and drink spot.

Bris Beer Flight
Sunday Funday

Cheers to decade of new adventures!

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