Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back to work

It's been a crazy busy week at work and learning the new clinic.  I'm learning some Aussie sign language, too.  The kiddos are just darling and quite funny.  My boss is super pregnant and the little ones have been asking her about how the baby will get out.  One boy was convinced it would come out of her mouth.  Another suggested she use the key in the lock and open the door to let her out!  The families have been very welcoming.  I have one mum who is American and she already invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner.   A very “small world” moment happened when I found out an Australian mum spent a year abroad for university at Indiana University of Pennsylvania! (Which is close to Pittsburgh for those who don’t know.)

On my days off, I have been keeping busy trying some new recipes.  Here are few on my new favorites if you're looking for new inspiration.

Followed by a delicious dessert! I’m not sure who this brown eyed baker is but wow… these are so worth it.


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