Monday, August 20, 2012

Aussie words

Here are some new Aussie words I’ve learned!  My kiddos are funny and just LOVE to tell me when I say something wrong.

Q: What is a dummie?

A:  A pacifier of course!

It’s not jelly Melanie… it’s JAM!

Who wants a cuddle???

I'll take a HUG!

Push that trolley!

A shopping cart or buggy to us Yanks.

I’ve also learned some phrases I should NOT say….

In our favorite US baseball stadium song, of course we sing “root, root, root for the home team”.  Well during the Olympics I said, “Who are you rooting for?”  Everyone got a good giggle and said no, no, no… you can’t say that here! Rooting here is doing the horizontal tango, if you know what I mean!

And then I was telling friends how I was "chatting up this girl" (in my mind, just talking to her for awhile about lots of things), and when you chat up someone here, you are making the moves… hehehe... silly American.

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