Wednesday, June 6, 2012

For the love of WIFI

There isn't much news to report from the farm.  Pam and I have been digging, planting, hauling wood, checking in on Lucy, feeding the chooks …. business as usual.  

To be honest, we are pretty tired of manual labor and have realized that we are way more city then we thought.  Yes, being in the country is nice for a little bit and our hosts are great, but we need options, we need to be connected! How do we know we are American city girls? Well our entire weekend revolved around finding WIFI to get online.
I mean really, why would Internet be that hard to find?  Well let me tell you, we ended up walking to a nearby town called Burpengary to find it.  Of course it took about 2 hours to walk there (ALWAYS add an hour to any estimated time frame – why haven’t we learned this yet???).   Please, please, PLEASE put Burpengary on your list of places NOT to visit in Australia.  There was nothing to see there and we got stuck in the pouring rain on our stroll.  To make matters worse, the coffee shop didn’t have WIFI (how is this possible?) and even McDonald’s WIFI wasn’t working. It was a no good, very bad kinda day.  Torture = no Internet access.  It is so hard to not be connected.  I don’t know if it is an American thing or a Gen Y trait, but even signing online for an hour makes us noticeably happier. 
So on Sunday we completed our search for WIFI and ended up at a Starbucks after taking the train back into Brisbane, the nearest city an hour away.  I swear the clouds opened up and angels were singing when we spotted the unmistakeable green Starbucks sign.  Pam bought an Americano style coffee as big as her head, we browsed online for an hour, and even spent Sunday walking around a Target!  Just what was needed – a little dose of America!
Our hour in Starbucks was successful at least and we finalized our plans for our next move.  We are off to Cairns in north Queensland.  It is a tropical spot close to the Great Barrier Reef.  I am very excited to be where it’s warmer because it is getting cold here at night.  I can’t wait to see the Reef and animals there.  Only 2 more working days, one flight,  then the beach is calling…. Tank tops! Flip flops!  

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