Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Looking for work...

On Sunday, our fantastic Airbnb host, Kay, took us off the tourist track for a hike to Glacier Rock.  The view looks over the Coral Sea and Whitfield Range.  We also saw the Kuranda Train go by – this one is for you Dad.  Happy Father’s Day! You're the best.

Dad's dream job

Pam and I have both been busy preparing for interviews and doing work research the last couple days so there's not a lot of exciting news to report.  I’m thankful I’ve had a positive response when applying for speech therapy jobs because my ego was crushed when Baskin Robbins said they wouldn’t hire me. I just LOVE my ice cream, and it would be a dream come true to scoop cookies ‘n cream each day!  I bet I could make a pretty great milkshake  given the chance.  But they were looking for a “junior” staff member who is still in school to fill the position.  I guess I should be grateful they said no and saved me from some extra ice cream weight.  You know how it goes…  One scoop for you, three for me…

I really hoped to try a different type of job, but as I said before, it has been harder than I thought.  I’ve decided though I should be thankful for my education and go along with whatever opportunities come my way.  Pediatric private practice speech pathology jobs have been advertised all over the country because of a new government program.  Families who have children diagnosed with autism, cerebral palsy, hearing impairments, etc. are given $12,000 to use up through the age of 7 for therapies and equipment.  They are allowed to use up to $6000 per one year, so this has caused the referral rates in private practice to rise.  Great news for me!  I’ve started my paperwork for an Australian speech license and might be teaching these little ones some American slang soon!

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