Saturday, June 9, 2012

We made it

DONE.  Finished. We made it through our two weeks.   I can't believe it.  The last 3 days were mentally and physically exhausting.  We were stripping wood for a new greenhouse and even had a field trip to a local landfill.  Let me tell you, that was awful to see.  I know we have landfills in the States and people make a lot of waste, but to actually see all that trash in front of my eyes was terrible.  It is something everybody should probably see.  It made me think a little more about taking some extra time to recycle and reuse when I can.  

I love pumpkins!  On our last day, we picked the green ones which are considered ripe.  Not like our pumpkins in the US.

You will never see these dirty, smelly clothes again... I even threw away my signature hat.

What have I learned from this experience? Well, I will never be a farmer.  I appreciate organic farmers and what they need to do to make our food safer to eat.  I need to think a little more about recycling when possible.  I'm a city girl.  I love the Internet and hate manure.  I also love the beach and warm weather.  Catch yinz in Cairns.

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