Sunday, June 3, 2012


Friday was a physical day for us.  We had to shovel, shovel, shovel most of the day.   We were moving a huge pile of dirt from one part of the farm to another.  I seriously have no upper body strength, so I was tired after about 5 minutes and ready for the day to be over pretty much as soon as it started.  The only thing that kept me going was knowing there was a bottle of wine waiting.  I don’t think we’ve ever deserved a bottle of wine as much as we did after this week!  My body is exhausted.

Coolest part of the day – we got to pick our dinner! Pam and I decided to cook for our hosts using veggies from the farm.   We got to go to the garden and pick lettuce, arugula, capsicums (peppers), and kale.  Pam made a kale pesto. I made salad and rosemary garlic bread using the herbs from yesterday.  Delicious!
Lettuce and arugula
Sweet capsicums
Let's eat!

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