Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fitzroy Island

What a great day.  We took a day trip to tropical Fitzroy Island.  It is part of the Great Barrier Reef and about 45 minutes by ferry from Cairns.  I just loved this place and took a ton of pics.
Approaching Fitzroy

I can't get over the turquoise water!

Fun Fact: the island was actually converted into a military base during WW II to protect Australia's mainland from invasion.  So there were great walking trails formed with lots of protection look outs.  I took a hike to the lighthouse and the summit for some amazing views. Gorgeous!
Fitzroy Lighthouse
Self pic - the trail was empty on the way up.
At the Summit!
You had to take a short hike through the rainforest to get to Nudey Beach (sorry to disappoint, no nudeys were present).  There was very little sand and the beach was made up of coral.  It actually sounded like breaking glass each time you took a step.  Not the most relaxing to sun bathe on or walk on! 

Nudey Beach

 One of the best parts of the day was seeing 5-6 dolphins swimming by just off the shore .  It was awesome.  There were a ton of butterflies flying around too... boy those little guys are hard to photograph!

Finished the day with a bev... :)

Feeling happy and blessed.

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