Wednesday, October 31, 2012


HaPpY HaLLoWeEn! Glad to hear everyone is safe after Sandy's East Coast run. I can't stop thinking about my LBI beach memories and hope that fantastic house stayed strong in the storm.  Just a quick post today to let you know what Halloween is like in Australia since I know you are curious.  There were a few kids (and a few adults) in costumes today, but far less than we see in the States.  Also no blow up pumpkins in the front lawn, no jack-o-laterns, no creepy ghosts that shake and sing when you step on the front porch...  Australia is considering making Halloween one of their holidays in the future, but until then some neighborhoods take a vote to see if they will give out their treats.  Some schools have little parties, but it is not the norm.  Don't you worry though, girls still dress inappropriately  for the weekend parties just like at home, but far less were out in public.  I  have to say I did miss seeing those little kiddos all dressed up, but Oz provided a spooky full moon tonight to set the mood in honor of Halloween. 

Full moon in Burleigh

Well I'll leave you tonight with a little old school Madonna in memory of my mum.  She's the only lady I know who could pull off a Hamburglar costume for her favorite holiday - Halloween.  Love you Carolyn Pensak. Check out the dance moves in this video!


Monday, October 29, 2012

3 Yinzers in Brizzy

What a fun weekend in Brizzy filled with lots of laughs.  Miss 'Merica herself, Stacey B, arrived Friday! It was just SO great to see a familiar face from home and it felt very surreal to have her here.  We wasted no time at all and started celebrating at the Black Keys show.  
This was our first time at a concert in Australia and well... it was honestly a bit different from what I'm used to in the US.  The Black Keys sounded great, but the concert was very short. They only played for about an hour and few people were dancing.  Maybe this is because you are not allowed to bring bevs into the show. Or maybe Americans just like to shake their booty in the dark to awesome music more than Australians.  All I know is I usually leave a show so excited and full of energy, but we left a little confused and disappointed.   From what we've heard about Mumford and Sons though, their show next week won't disappoint.  
The Black Keys

One of life's great mysteries - Why is it that when you give a man a guitar, he's instantly more attractive?
Out in the Valley

On Saturday, we caught up with our friends from Finland, Arna and Arto, for a bloody mary at Kerbside.
KIPPIS! (Cheers)

 Oh I don't see nothing wrong... with a little Sunday wine... (please sing to the tune of R Kelly's Bump 'n Grind)

Sunday Funday riverside at the Powerhouse in New Farm

        After a city weekend, it was time to show Stacey Burleigh  Waters Beach in the Gold Coast.  

There was no sun bathing today in the Gold Coast, but it was lovely to be back at the beach.  And only a few days until we jet off to Auckland, New Zealand.  Have a great week everyone and hope you stay safe from Frankenstorm!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Aussie words

Happy almost Friday everyone! This week has flown by and I'm very much looking forward to some pool time this weekend and maybe some Oktoberfest action.  Hope everyone is enjoying their football, crunchy pretzel chips (still missing those), and all the pumpkin spice lattes Starbucks can produce.

Anywho, my mates in the States have been requesting some new Aussie slang, so I'm gonna give it a go for you.  Enjoy.  

 #1.  He lives in woop woop.

He lives in the middle of nowhere.

#2.  She's dead keen on you.

She digs you big time.

#3.  Nearly!


#4.  He's so bogan.

He's so white trash.

#5.  Let's meet this arvo.

Let's meet this afternoon.

#6.  None of your bizzo! (love this one)

None of your business fool.

#7.  It's my shout.

My turn to buy a round.

So buy a shout, mind your bizzo, and don't forget I'm dead keen on you.  Muah!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Melly's weekend in Melbourne

Victoria's license plate proudly boasts this Aussie state is "The place to be."  I was thrilled to check it ot for myself on this weekend getaway to Melbourne - my namesake city.  Which by the way, it is actually pronounced "Mel - bin" by all of Australia.  I was corrected many times this weekend and quicky called out on my 'mericaness when OVER annunciating my R's.   Mel-BIN not Mel-BOURNE.  These Aussies, I have to say, are just the nicest bunch.  I stayed with a super kind bloke and met some great people who were excited to hear my adventures and to talk about all things America- particularly TV.  The Aussies are loving Hardcore Pawn, My Secret Obsession & Dancemoms right now. 

Southbank Riverfront
I was also in Melbourne to check out its potential as a city to call home in December.  Everyone said I would love it and they were right.  It felt fantastic to be on a street filled with people on the go.  

There is a great food scene, and I ventured to Chin Chin for a spectacular spicy sweet sour savory Vietnamese party in my mouth lunch. 

Crispy Barramundi and Green Apple Salad - Yum Yum
The neighborhood of Fitzroy also loves to show off its foodie side.  I grabbed pizza from Umago for my Sunday pizza- wine- ice cream fix, but there were a ton more cafes and eateries to try. If I could describe Fitzroy, I would say it is the love child of DC's H street and Pittsburgh's Carson Street.  Vintage clothes and furniture, artsy store fronts, hipsters, coffee, good eats, music venues, and even a trolley!  

Not much from the outside, but great pizza.

Would love to work here
I happily lost several hours of my life in a store called Clear It and walked away with some grest deals.  $100 got me 2 new dresses, a bracelet, a new hat, a pretty tank, and shorts.  This is fantastic for Australia where the prices for clothes are sky high.  I've been missing my TJ Maxx but got my fix at this warehouse.

I love my new $5 hat!
Some other cool things in Melbourne are The Queen Street Market and the side street cafes.  The Market has heaps of food stands to make all your cooking dreams come true.  I was introduced to these secret alley ways when I went for a lovely brekky with my adorable Aussie host.  It was very unique and had a European feel.  

Next stop, Hosier Lane to check out street art and graffiti.

Traveling solo = lots of self pics.
This made me giggle - this wall is taunting all the girls on their walk of shame.

The Last Laugh comedy show was a bargain for a night out on the town.  Irish comedian Dave Callan is worth checking out if you get the chance.  

Bright lights - Big City! Night time in Southbank looking over Port Philip Bay

Monday I was blown through the Royal Botanical Gardens in Southbank (so windy!) and to Chapel Street in South Yarra.  There are nice shops and restaurants to explore just outside the CBD.  

Royal Botanical Gardens
Shrine of Remembrance

I would love to live in Melbourne for the remainder of my time in Australia if I find work and think Pam will love it too.  Truth.  Crazy weather. There really are 4 seasons in one day in Melbourne.  Rain, sun, wind, cold/hot... it is hard to dress right.    But that can be overlooked in exchange for some city living.    

Last but not least, here's some new music to check out.  Angus and Julia Stone   Enjoy!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The times they are a changing...

I'm a little nervous about this -  not gonna lie.  I kind of feel like a grandma who just got her first email address! But I've joined Twitter as a way to post more frequently what's happening here and to get the blog out to a bigger audience.  Follow me - and laugh WITH me not AT me - on Twitter!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cooking School

It was a gorgeous spring day in Bris - 80 and sunny - and I was one happy girl headed off to cooking school today.  I came across the James Street Cooking School in Fortitude Valley at .  Today's topic was Middle Eastern and Mediterranean inspired flavors. YUM!

First up, top side lamb with zhoug paste (combo of chilis, coriander, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, and cardamon).  

Next up, fresh prawns wrapped in almonds and kataifi pastry.

Go on and get your dip on.... hommus, baba ghanoush, and avocado & lime salsa.

 Time for the the flat bread!  We made the dough, rolled it, and cooked it up ourselves...

Let's eat... Pumpkin and rocket salad and coconut date chutney too! Bon Appetite!

Overall, I would recommend James Street for their creative menu and fun atmosphere.  Wine was served with our meal and there were food markets, cafes, and shops nearby to explore after class.  Two thumbs up from me. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Time for the Top End - NT

1769 miles from Brisbane and 13,464 miles from Pittsburgh is Darwin in the Northern Territory.  Everyone warned me it would be hot there, but CRIKEY! When I walked off that plane, I thought I was in over my head.  How would we last through a 3- day camping trip in 110 degrees F?
Northern Territory Flag
Darwin is the capital in the Northern Territory and is filled with about 127,000 people.  Locals say you move to Darwin, do your time, and get out because of the intense weather.  Hot in the dry season and even hotter with storms and cyclones in the wet season.  But Darwin possesses a unique charm despite the harsh weather.  The city was rebuilt several times.  First after the bombing during WWII and second after Cyclone (hurricane) Tracy in 1974.  

Beaches are not swimmable in summer due to deadly stingers, but there are several man made beaches open along the Darwin Harbor.

Several hours from Darwin is Kakadu National Park on the World Heritage List which covers 7,644 square miles.   Half the park is under Aboriginal Land Rights and the Aboriginal people have occupied the Kakadu area continuously for at least 40,000 years.  It was spectacular to see and boy am I glad that we had a guide to help us navigate this trip.  We went on a 4Wheel Drive Safari with a great group of people from all around the world.  The 9 of us proudly represented Paris, Australia, Seattle, Pittsburgh, Finland, and Canada.  Our guide, Winston, made sure we survived the outback and showed us a great time.

Our 4WD Landcruiser

Stop to collect fire wood
View from shotgun  - open road

Off roading
Huge termite mound  - pretty gross actually.
Hike to Twin Falls swimming hole 
No crocs in this fresh water!

"Firsts" that happened on this trip:

1.  We saw wild wallaroos (cross between kangeroo and wallabie), brumby horses, and water buffalo.

2.  We ate Kangeroo!  Ground kangeroo meat is commonly used in this area and is lean and healthy.

3.  We hiked about 10 km and found out later it was about 115 degrees that day.  

Through the creek

My favorite swimming hole - literally in the middle of the desert.
Jim Jim Falls Swimming Hole


The group enjoying beers together after a HOT day.
Aboriginal Art depicting dance - these paintings are at least 8,000 years old.

Winston's guide books in the front seat


Baby croc on cruise down Adelaide River
Hungry Momma croc 

Darwin also had this awesome outdoor deckchair movie theater where you could have wine, beer, and food under the palm trees! Brilliant idea.

This trip was exactly what I needed to be inspired that there are still some amazing places I want to see.  It's been 5 months on the road and sometimes that has been just exhausting.  But, I've got my excitement back and can't wait for more.  We met so many great people our age doing the same thing and got to see remote places of the Aussie Outback.  I'm ready to take on the next 5 months.  Left a little of my heart in Northern Territory.  Cheers!