Monday, October 29, 2012

3 Yinzers in Brizzy

What a fun weekend in Brizzy filled with lots of laughs.  Miss 'Merica herself, Stacey B, arrived Friday! It was just SO great to see a familiar face from home and it felt very surreal to have her here.  We wasted no time at all and started celebrating at the Black Keys show.  
This was our first time at a concert in Australia and well... it was honestly a bit different from what I'm used to in the US.  The Black Keys sounded great, but the concert was very short. They only played for about an hour and few people were dancing.  Maybe this is because you are not allowed to bring bevs into the show. Or maybe Americans just like to shake their booty in the dark to awesome music more than Australians.  All I know is I usually leave a show so excited and full of energy, but we left a little confused and disappointed.   From what we've heard about Mumford and Sons though, their show next week won't disappoint.  
The Black Keys

One of life's great mysteries - Why is it that when you give a man a guitar, he's instantly more attractive?
Out in the Valley

On Saturday, we caught up with our friends from Finland, Arna and Arto, for a bloody mary at Kerbside.
KIPPIS! (Cheers)

 Oh I don't see nothing wrong... with a little Sunday wine... (please sing to the tune of R Kelly's Bump 'n Grind)

Sunday Funday riverside at the Powerhouse in New Farm

        After a city weekend, it was time to show Stacey Burleigh  Waters Beach in the Gold Coast.  

There was no sun bathing today in the Gold Coast, but it was lovely to be back at the beach.  And only a few days until we jet off to Auckland, New Zealand.  Have a great week everyone and hope you stay safe from Frankenstorm!

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