Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cooking School

It was a gorgeous spring day in Bris - 80 and sunny - and I was one happy girl headed off to cooking school today.  I came across the James Street Cooking School in Fortitude Valley at .  Today's topic was Middle Eastern and Mediterranean inspired flavors. YUM!

First up, top side lamb with zhoug paste (combo of chilis, coriander, parsley, garlic, salt, pepper, cumin, and cardamon).  

Next up, fresh prawns wrapped in almonds and kataifi pastry.

Go on and get your dip on.... hommus, baba ghanoush, and avocado & lime salsa.

 Time for the the flat bread!  We made the dough, rolled it, and cooked it up ourselves...

Let's eat... Pumpkin and rocket salad and coconut date chutney too! Bon Appetite!

Overall, I would recommend James Street for their creative menu and fun atmosphere.  Wine was served with our meal and there were food markets, cafes, and shops nearby to explore after class.  Two thumbs up from me. 

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