Thursday, January 10, 2013

Keeping the faith...

It is insane how life can change in just a few days.  My job title has transformed from "professional job hunter" spending hours scouring for work to "shop girl" and "Melbourne speechie."  To make a very looooong story short, I applied for a shop position with a fantastic woman who gave me the chance to work in her alpaca shop and to treat her son for speech therapy.  She then recommended me to her son's current speechie who owns a private practice in Melbourne.  After my interview today, the private clinic would love me to come on board for a few months!  Nuts right?  I'm running on adrenaline and am so thrilled about these opportunities.  And wait!  It gets better.  One of our neighbors knocked on the door randomly a few days ago asking if we wanted to rent her house when our current lease expires.  I'm pretty sure the universe is screaming loudly that we are meant to stay in Melbourne for awhile. 

To be very honest, this time in Melbourne has been a true test of keeping the faith...believing that things will work out as they should. After rejection emails and no calls and applying for jobs anywhere and everywhere, it was easy to get discouraged.  I suppose some would say fruit picking is an option for work, but you'd better believe we two chics have our limits.  
I know it sounds corny, but I firmly believe if you put yourself out into the world and release control and expectations of how life SHOULD be, it opens up so many amazing possibilities.  Each of us has an idea how the story of our life will be, but I'm learning that sometimes you need to throw it to the wind.  I'm sure you are wondering about Pam's job hunt.  She's been a busy bee and I know she will find something soon.  Because I said it. Here. Right now. It MUST happen... I mean who wouldn't want to hire Pam?

Anywho, here are a few cute pics of the shop.  Working in a place that sells coats and scarves couldn't be any more fun.  I hop on the train into work in the morning, peek at all the attractive men in suits through my fake Raybans (hey, I'm still a bargain hunter at heart), and walk to Collins St. which is a main shopping street in the city.

I know, I know... you can't have all work and no play.  If you're in the city on a Wednesday , Queen Victoria's Night Market is a must see.

Lots of foodie options...

I tasted some delicious chicken and beef empanadas...

And took in the sights.  I love this idea to sell bags out of the back of the van... 

On a totally random note, I bought some new shoes today (my feet are very thankful) and have to give a shout out to Jessica Simpson.   Her sandals logged in about 100 miles through Australia before wearing thin and falling apart.  She may be a little cray cray, but that girl can make some shoes.  

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