Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My so-called life

There has not been much blogging lately because life has been pretty low key.  My days have been busy though getting together everything I need for my Australian speech therapy license.  It has been a HUGE process that I won't bore you with, but let's just sum it up with one word - CONSUMING.  I do have a job though (hurray!) and will be working at SPEECH clinic in Coomera, Queensland starting July 30th.   I just can't wait to meet all my new little cutie Aussie clients.  I'm sure they will be impressed when I pull out the pink ukulele and play Mary Had a Little Lamb for them.  I will work for a few months covering a maternity leave and then after that I plan on making my coffee sales girl / barista dreams come true!  If anyone knows anyone in the coffee biz here, please let me know.  Will work for free.

Sad face :(  Pam and I will be living in separate cities for awhile.  I leave Sunday to go south to look for my own apartment in North Gold Coast.  I am keeping in mind though it is all for the greater good of more traveling... a little time in the clinic means more traveling and adventures in the months to come.  And there is a lot to look forward to!  I am super excited for our friend Stacey to come to Oz in October.  We're going to see the Black Keys in Brisbane and head to Aukland, New Zealand to see Mumford there!

In November, Pam's rents are coming, my cousin, Emily, will be in Victoria, then our friend Katie will be headed here over the holidays!  My parents are coming in January and more people are talking about visiting in February and March.  That gets me super excited just writing all that out, and I can't wait to see Victoria, Tasmania, drive the Great Ocean Road, get to Western Australia... so much to see!  

So while waiting for work to start, I fill my days by practicing the uke (I can roughly play Amazing Grace and Happy Birthday... key word roughly), watching DVD's from Civic Video (Tuesday night is dollar night - woo woo! and yes, video stores are still around here), hiking, watching my bank account get smaller, day dreaming about nutella scones from Pound  (you don't know whatcha got 'til it's gone) and learning all about my new favorite celebrity chef, Miguel Maestre.  He is the happiest, Spanish man I've ever seen and he cooks up great food in Sydney.  I want to cook with this man on my 30th birthday!  Ahhh, I can only dream.  I mean really, what is better than wine, churros, and paella?  I can't think of much.

Until I have more exciting things to write about, I'm taking a little blog break.  And I'm off to return my dollar DVD's!  I don't want to get any silly late fees :)

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