Sunday, April 8, 2012


It has been a week of adjustments.  I've learned to live with what fits into 2 suitcases and on a few shelves.  It feels terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. What's been the hardest thing to let go of? My coats.  I LOVE coats.  Dress coats, peacoats, trenches, colored, pleather, leather, and wool - I love them all! Deciding which to bring along makes my brain hurt.  I'm hoping Stacey and Clinton from What Not To Wear magically appear when I need to downsize again to only one suitcase.  I've decided that I will not lug 2 suitcases around the world.  Another adjustment has been cohabiting with my neighbors! I do miss walking into my girlie apartment that smelled of vanilla, coconut, and tulips with occasionally some garlic tossed in.  Those comforting scents have now been replaced by musky shaving cream,  pizza, and well, for lack of a better word, boy! I love these guys though, and I know deep down that what they teach me about technology, recycling, and hoarding is truly priceless:-) Well, I'm off to Florida to see my darling nephew, Brandon and the family- Happy Easter everyone!

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