Friday, April 20, 2012

Feeling the love....

I was incredibly overwhelmed by all the love and kind words from my speech therapy families, coworkers, and friends this week.  Everyone needs to be reminded how special they are from time to time, and sometimes we forget to share with each other the impact a person or friend has had on our own life. I know, I know, I probably sound like I just came from Oprah's life class, but all this love has turned me into a huge sappy cheese ball this week - I can't help it!  Really, life is short, it can change in an instant, and its hard to say what the future holds!  I never thought in a million years I'd even live in DC, and now can't imagine my life without these 2 years and all the amazing people I've met.  It was crazy hard to leave this city on such a beautiful day.  The sun was shining brightly on the Mall as I headed back to Pittsburgh for the week, but I have a ton of great memories to look back on.  And to finish this life class... a few of Melly's rules to live by... 

Tell those you care about today instead of tomorrow. 

Take the time to create fun no matter how busy life is.

Forgive others to open your heart.

Share feelings without regret.

Most importantly be true to yourself :)

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