Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ohhhh, I wanna dance with somebody

Well, you can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take the Pittsburgh out of the girl... No matter where I wander in the world, I always end up revisiting and reenergizing in my town of black and yellow.  On Friday, my favorite Duquesne ladies and I got all dolled up for a night out to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at the Brewer's Ball.  Brewers from near and far gave out lots of yummy samples.  Our favorite???  Fat Head's Bumbleberry Honey Blueberry Ale.

The rest of the evening is what I like to call Flashback Friday.  And I mean a flashback to Piramide in Rome, Italy.  Many moons ago, we all studied abroad together.  There was one classic night when we all went out as acquaintances and came back the best of friends.  That night was in an Irish Pub (can't remember the name), and when the clock struck 12 it turned into another world.  The lights went out, tables were pushed back, and the music started bumping turning the local watering hole into a hopping euro discoteca.  The last thing I remember? Dancing on top of the tables with the girls to Michael Jackson showing off my silver eye shadow and my new United Colors of Benetton shirt... when in Rome!

The Italian Campus Crew!  
Well last night at Claddagh SouthSide, we didn't end up on any tables and I didn't sport my silver eyes, but that Irish Pub DID turn into a hopping euro discoteca.  The only difference was the large number of Pens jerseys on the dance floor instead of tight jeans and slicked hair!  Oh, there's nothing like some old school MJ and Whitney Houston to get the booty shakin....

Des wants to dance with somebody... with somebody who loves her!
                       Finish the night with a stop at Mike and Tony's for a gyro and life is good.

Still delicious 7 years after graduation... OMG I'm old.
Today, we reunited for a GREAT dinner at Jimbo and Becky's house, and I finally got to meet their little cutie, Amelia.  It makes me so happy having everyone together around a DQ cake... Can someone please tell me why are those crunchies in the middle SOOOO good? 

                                    Well yinz, I am exhausted beyond belief ..... goodnight!

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