Friday, December 14, 2012

All I want for Christmas is my....

own apartment…my own apartment, my own apartment… oooooh all I want for Christmas is my own apartment! So we can have a Merry Christmas! (Please sing to the tune of “All I Want for Christmas is my 2 Front Teeth”)

 Oh these last 7½ months have been amazing and challenging in many ways.  One of the most educational, rewarding, and challenging parts of our trip involves our living situation.  Actually SITUATIONS is a more appropriate word.  Pam has “lived” in 38 places along the way.  It is 22 for me.  I can’t believe we haven’t caught cooties so far.  I knew those vaccinations were good for something!

In that time, we have cohabitated with amazing Aussies, Kiwis, Scots, Brits, young, old, and somewhere in between.  We have been exposed to the everyday lifestyle of Aussies and welcomed with open arms into many families.  I feel blessed for the hospitality and kindness we’ve received and wouldn’t change it for the world.


There is one thing that I would change right now.  

If you don’t mind, let’s take a quick flashback to your childhood.  Imagine this.  You are minding your own business playing in your toy kitchen pretending to make cookies.   And Susie comes along and wants to make cookies, too.  She swipes your cookie and you scream.  Loudly.  Susie smirks and puts the pretend cookie in her mouth while you continue to scream.  What does your Mom say? 

“You need to learn to SHARE.”  You think to your 2 year-old self “I don't wanna share!"  And "Dumb Susie.  That cookie is not even real.”  You go to the kitchen to find your own REAL Keebler Soft Batch cookie and sulk.  

Where am I going with this? Flashforward to Dec. 2012.  I need to take a moment and revert back to my toddler years.  I am screaming to the world. Loudly.  “I DON’T WANNA SHARE!”

We have paid our dues.  We have shared HEAPS.  We’ve shared apartments, houses, bathrooms, kitchens, beds, bedrooms, tents, and campervans.  I never thought I could ever or would ever be so easy going about my living arrangements.  I can say with certainty we have both learned to tolerate and adapt to many situations, smells, and personalities – oh the stories I could tell!    

But for now, for the next 5 weeks, we have our own place again.  Our own bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, deck, grill … all for US!  No more sharing.  It is 10 minutes from downtown Melbourne, across from a train stop, and in a cute little neighborhood.  We move in Monday and are just itching to unpack our suitcases.  Thanks Santa for this early Christmas gift.   You’ve really out done yourself this year!

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