Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Hawthorn flat

Here are a few pics for those who are curious about our Melbourne flat.  It feels AWESOME to have our own space and to be so close to everything in the city.  I'm feeling like myself again already looking up all the free and fun events in the city - you know me! Here's a little tour for you...

Beautiful outdoor patio  - fantastic large grill not shown

Spacious kitchen - anything is better than our DC closet sized kitchen!

Completely unpacked my bags! Yes, this is pretty much everything I own.

Here's the nice big girl bed! There is always some quirk with rental houses and here the second bedroom has a small "sort of" single bed.  So we agreed I get this room for 2 1/2 weeks and then we'll switch rooms to be fair.

Living room

Awesome record collection to keep my ears happy! Can't beat a little Rumours on vinyl

The map of inspiration has been well loved.  It is falling apart here and there.  All the circles are the places we've seen in Australia - Impressive!

American - Aussie Christmas Tree - It is NOT beginning to  look a lot like Christmas with all this warm weather and sunshine!  We're thinking of embracing our inner Aussie and heading to the shore for Christmas day.

Tasty bottle we received as a gift from the winery we worked at in Tasmania.
Well stay tuned over the next few weeks for "The Broke Girls Guide to Melbourne." All this traveling is putting a serious dent in the bank account, but we both have job interviews this week which is promising. Wish us luck!

I couldn't blog without saying we've been thinking a lot about the families and children in Newtown, CT this week.  Sending prayers and love from down under and hoping our government works together to make positive changes for the future of our great nation.  

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