Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas from Melbourne

Christmas in Australia was strange.  It was nice.  It was weird.  It was an experience. It was great to put our own mark on Christmas and try out new traditions, but it was weird to not participate in our old family traditions.  It was nice to be at the beach drinking wine watching the kite surfers, but it was bizarre to be in a place with minimal decorations without our families around.  I missed out on our Christmas Eve traditions, instant win "scratch off" time, the great food, and new pajamas.  Overall, it was a good experience and a Christmas I certainly won't forget.  The anticipation of Christmas was more emotional than the actual day, and I'm pretty proud of us for making it through.  Skyping with family and friends helped heaps.  We were determined to make the most of it instead of being sad and had some delicious eats of our own.  Christmas brekky was spectacular complete with blueberry and banana baked oatmeal and fresh fruit salad with the best mangos I've ever eaten.  They are so good here.

True American breakfast with Mac on the table for SKYPing and Spotify going.  I could not get into the Christmas classics this year with the sunshine, so I had to go for some good ol' fashioned country carols and beach tunes.  Who knew Bing Crosby sounds better with snow?

Check out this recipe at
St. Kilda, Melbourne  - This spot reminded me so much of Chicago except the ocean lines the city instead of Lake Michigan.
Lots of boats and wind just like in Chitown

 Christmas wine time
Happy Holidays from OZ

Watching the kite surfers - such a cool sport.

Now 2013 is creeping in... If 2012 was the year of OZ - what's 2013? The year of  ___________????

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