Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ain't no mountain high enough...

We did it! Made it to the top of Mt. Warning.  This was one tough climb.  The hike takes you about 1000 meters or 3280 feet high and it is around 5.5 miles of steps and steep hills.  The last 400 meters are literally straight up and you need to use a chain to help make it to the summit.  I was scared for sure.  I mean there was kids doing this climb without even blinking. They had NO fear.  But not me.  I was sweating, swearing, and praying silently to myself the entire last part.  It was worth the effort! The view at the top of Mt. Warning was beautiful and we got to see Byron Bay and the Gold Coast in the distance!

On the way up

Giant ferns!
On our way up
At the summit!  

This isn't even the steepest part, but I couldn't take a photo there because I was clinging on for dear life.  Hopefully, it gives you an idea of what the last 400 meters looked like.
 Success! Pam drove on the left hand side of the road today like a champ!  Right hand turns were a little tricky at first and she enjoyed hugging the left side of the road, but overall no problems.  The funniest part was every time she wanted to put her turn signal on, she turned on the windshield wipers... every time - which was about 50 times.... still laughing about that!
Dream car - Hyundai Getz
We stopped on the way home at a roadside market for some fresh zucchini, brussel sprouts, and watermelon! Yum

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