Thursday, May 17, 2012

Byron Bay

Byron Bay is absolutely breathtaking. It is my favorite spot so far in Australia and very picturesque.      It is a surfer spot filled with hippies, backpackers, tourists, and families.  On our first night, we went out to the Railway which is a local hangout with FREE outdoor live music every night.  It doesn't get much better than that!  There is actually live music all over this town and it is very relaxed.  Some of the locals don't even wear shoes regularly.  Here are a some of the amazing beaches we spent time at today.

Loving the murals everywhere
Tallow Beach (Dolphin Beach)
Tallow Beach
Main Beach
Main Beach
Yes, those are surfers down there!
View of The Pass
Throw in a rainbow to make the day even more beautiful...
End it with a sunset!

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