Saturday, May 19, 2012

Beautiful things

Friday we went kayaking with Go Sea Kayak - an ecocertified company with knowledgable and cute guides.  It was awesome to be out on the water for a few hours, and it was actually so calm that they took us into the Pacific Ocean.  BONUS - we saw dolphins and sea turtles.  We also got to snorkel for a little in the Bay.  The water was pretty clear and not too cold since we were in our wet suits.  

Go Team Red
Watching for dolphins
Not having a television for the week has forced us to get out and about, so we saw a fun bluegrass band Friday night at the Beach Hotel - FREE of course!  It was a venue that was half inside/half outside.  On the way there, I saw this awesome light shop. I would just love to have these lanterns and lights out in my backyard and patio some day!

On Saturday, we walked to Cape Byron and the most easterly point of Australia.  Seriously, everywhere you look it is just gorgeous.  I feel like I sound like a broken record saying how beautiful it is over and over again, but Byron just doesn't disappoint.

Watego Beach
Aussie Bush Turkey

Cape Byron and Byron Lighthouse

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