Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday - Day 2 at the Farm

Day 2 of WWOOF-ing.  Today, we planted silver beet and kale in the fields.  We also helped to lay down weed mat in a new greenhouse that they are converting from the old chicken coup.  Today made me really appreciate organic farming and realize what needs to be done to make sure our food is pesticide and chemical free.  At the farm, they cannot use chemicals that are so easy to spray on the weeds and instead lay down weed mat for each crop to prevent them from growing.  It is very time consuming.  The work is not extremely strenuous here, but it is still manual labor.  It’s tiring!  I am starting to understand why we pay the prices that we do for food that is natural and chemical free.  Our host was telling us about how pesticides and fertilizers can be controlled now by computers and recycled to use over and over again on the plants.  Gross!  It can be hard to eat 100% organic all the time, especially with the prices, but being here and seeing my food in the ground really makes me want to eat more naturally.  It just doesn’t make sense to put chemicals into your body if you don’t have to do it.  

Silver beet
Silver beet in the fields
Len working on the greenhouse roof
Thai Basil
Lucy the cow!

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