Monday, May 7, 2012


Pam-O had her big birthday yesterday!  We took a ferry to Manly Beach and saw a ton of surfers there.  The waves were big and the boys were ripped.  Of course we had some beverages to celebrate.  I am a bad friend though and did not get the Aussie rugby team to sing her Happy Birthday.  Fail.  And I took only 1 picture yesterday - we were too busy at the biergarten.

Everyone has been asking about the differences we see here from at home in the States.  One thing that is different is what happens in restaurants.  In the States, you are greeted by a hostess, taken to a table, and the waiter checks in on you frequently.  Here, you sometimes ask a waitress if you can sit down or you just chose a seat.  The waitresses don't really check in on you and you get their attention if you need something. 
Last night, we got some quesidillas since we missed out on Cinco de Mayo, and when the buzzer went off we had to go directly to the kitchen line to pick up the food, just like a waitress would do in the States.  Very different than home.   Off to Pam's birthday dinner at   Ciao!

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