Sunday, May 13, 2012

A lot of randomness

More Aussie lingo!   Today's phrase of the day:  “How you going?”
Aussie's marriage of  “How are you doing? + How’s it going?”

So, I’ve mentioned before our decision to travel became a reality after Pam read the book Vagabonding.  Well, what exactly is vagabonding?
I believe we have the vagabonding spirit, but I have decided to give a new word to our adventures in Australia.  CHIC-abonding.  What exactly is CHIC-abonding? Vagabonding for the ladies of course!
We are seeking adventure, we are traveling independently, but I now have increased awareness that there is a certain level of comfort I like.  I can adjust when I need to, but this girl has limits, and honestly I’ve felt my age a little with this adventure at times.  I wish I could be a hostel kind of person, but that time has passed.  This girl needs her sleep! We certainly aren’t staying in luxury accommodations, but there has been no true “roughing” it so far.  And I’m AOK with that.  The Airbnb website has been a perfect fit for CHIC-abonding.  People rent out their granny flat apartments or private rooms for a way cheaper price than staying in a hotel.  With this option, you have all the little perks that make you think you’re at home – extra space, a comfy couch, a fridge, a place to cook, and to do some laundry if you need it.  The places we’ve stayed so far have been cute and comfortable. 
After admiring the many backpackers here and their lack of luggage, I keep thinking one big backpack looks much more manageable than what I am toting around.  Pam and I each have a huge bag and suitcase that we struggle with weekly on the bus and train.  Now, I don’t NEED my suitcase full of clothes, but I LIKE them.  Most Australians have told us we have too much for our “holiday”, but I cannot fathom having less for an entire year!!!  I do have my girly side.  I like to have my dresses, my make up, my curling iron – As I said, CHIC-abonding through the country.  As time goes on, it may get easier to get rid of excess, but right now I’m hanging on to what I’ve got for dear life!
We’ve been in the Gold Coast now for a few days now and have had great weather for some beach time.  The Gold Coast has 35 miles of coastline to keep us occupied.  It is the start of winter here, but it is still about 75 – 80 degrees F each day.  It cools down at night, but you can sit outside with a jacket.  Great news -we’ve made new friends and met interesting people from all around the world.  How did we make these new friends? As a  Brazilian man once said, “You don’t make friends drinking milk.” Hahahaha.  They’ve made the last few days a lot of fun! More pictures to come soon.  Cheers and Happy Mum's Day to all the Yummy Mummys out there.

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