Friday, May 25, 2012


Pammy suggested I do an entry completely devoted to Campervans.  Campervans are fascinating.  And they all over the place in this country.  They provide transportation for beach hopping, hold all the supplies you need for camping, and give you a place to call home.  There is usually a bed in the back that converts to daytime seating, a mini fridge, a portable grill and whatever else you can pack away inside.  If you could attach a hammock to one somehow, I'd be completely sold! Backpackers, surfers, locals, and tourists can park their van in a campervan park or even on a hidden side street for the night.  One campervan owner told me you could pretty much sleep anywhere as long as you move your van early in the morning.  Where do you shower when living in a camper van? Not sure.   I’m assuming you rinse off in the ocean with an occasional shower in the camper park.   Now I don’t think this will be our solution to a permanent home, but we may give it a try for a weekend in the future or for a music festival.  And there are just so many van options to choose from.  There is the colorful spray painted wicked campers van, there is the classic VW bus van (probably my favorite), and there is the "looks like a creeper would hop out" option – that one is definitely out for us ladies.  Which do you like best?

We had to leave Byron Bay on Thursday and felt very sad pulling away from that place on the bus.  It really is such a great town.  We are now in Brisbane for the weekend getting all of the city we can before we go out to the country Monday morning.  Cheers to the weekend!

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